The story of Barack Obama winning, not because we waited for it, made it less surprising. I would like to imagine the people responsible of deciding the format and text to announce this spectacular news story; the important moments which they lived on the night of this past November 4th in the newsrooms of their respective newspapers.
We were talking about how to publish this story that has made history, in which manner to make this announcement; that allows us to see the light at the end of the turbulent tunnel in which bad decisions and a few greedy people have put us in, should be made.
Barack Obama is change, he is the hope of millions, it's the announcement that things will change.
At this moment we would like to congratulate all who, with their talent and art have communicated this good news and have participated in this mosaic that we present in ArtDaily, in which 300 versions of the same theme appear: the arrival of a new day, the arrival of Barack Obama to the White House.
There are 300 newspaper front pages from around the world that we have gathered here so that our visitors can see the beauty in the formats. What talent of those who with only one word, with just the name or a simple phrase, shape their respective newspapers with this story that occupied the front page of many dailies throughout the world.
Congratulations to all!
Ignacio Villarreal
Para quem decidiu ler o inglês numa linha vertical [sim, sim, não me enganem!], o que o Ignacio diz ali em cima, basicamente e tirando a parte excessivamente optimista da vitória do Obama, é que sendo um acontecimento histórico, é extremamente importante a forma escolhida para o noticiar.
O que o ArtDaily fez, foi compilar 300 primeiras páginas de jornais dos Estados Unidos e de vários países do mundo, no dia seguinte à eleição, para demonstrar as diferentes opções de manchete em relação a uma mesma notícia.
Já se passaram 2 semanas mas eu achei bastante interessante e decidi que valia a pena partilhar.

via Arrastão